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Bond 2018

Texas City ISD voters approved the $136.1 million school bond referendum on May 5, 2018.

  • 69.63% Yes
  • 30.37% Against

This figures includes four new replacement schools and three district-wide initiatives.

The following schools will be built new: Guajardo Elementary School (formerly Northside) at a cost of $25.7 million, La Marque Elementary School at a cost of $24.4 million, La Marque Middle School at a cost of $44.5 million and La Marque Primary School at a cost of $24.1 million. In addition, the FAC recommended district-wide improvements for all schools with the following initiatives: safety and security at a cost of $6.5 million, roofs and parking at a cost of $9 million and one computer for every student in grades 7-12 at a cost of $1.9 million.

Tax Rate Increase

Tax payers will see an 8 cent increase on a $100 valuation on the school tax rate. For example, if a home was valued at $100,000, there would be $80 in additional school taxes for the year, which is about $6.67 a month more than what those taxpayers are currently paying in school taxes. However, those who are over 65 or disabled will not be impacted. School district taxes on resident homesteads (except for subsequent improvements) are capped in the year the taxpayer turns 65 years of age and will not increase as a result of this school bond election. The taxpayer must apply for the exemption. The disabled are also able to have their school taxes capped.

As bond projects progress, we'll update this site.