This site is provided to assist our staff with information about Texas City Independent School District sponsored employee benefit procedures and coverage. We hope this site is helpful, and your use and recommendations are encouraged.
Please click the Employee Benefits Portal button for access to our on-line benefit election site The Benefits Hub. Inside, you will find detailed information about your employee benefits program including benefit summaries, claim forms, administrative forms, customer service numbers, provider directories and direct links to the insurance carriers. You will also find some helpful information regarding each employee benefit product so you can choose a benefit package that's right for you and your family.
If you have questions regarding benefits, contact Carrie Jones at 409-916-0133 or by email at
Employee Assistance
Retirement Savings Plans
It's never too early or too late to start investing in your Financial Independence!
Texas City ISD has partnered with TCG, a HUB International company to give every employee an opportunity to speak with a professional about their unique situation and create a strategy for their retirement plans.
The following plans are available to you: