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Direct Your Future™ - Career Exploration Curriculum
Direct Your Future is a career exploration program for middle school and high school students. Through a series of modules, students are challenged to focus on themselves and the world of work and to learn how to map out a future career path.
Explore Work Student Portfolio
Explore Work consists of a series of web-based modules that align with the five required WIOA Pre-Employment Transition Services activities.
Online, interactive training designed for transition-aged students who are deaf or hard of hearing. The training utilizes three questions: Who Am I? What Do I Want? How Do I Get There?
The self-directed employment planning modules are free, online learning series helps people with disabilities think about their integrated employment options, understand employment supports, and create a plan to achieve their integrated employment goals.
Online, Learn the steps you can take to prepare for the workplace or further education after graduation. Great for students to learn on their own or with support from an instructor or family member