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Welcome to Texas City ISD!
Texas City ISD has 14 schools and approximately 7,800 students in 78.31 square miles of La Marque and Texas City. As the State of Texas continues to raise the standards of education, we are proud that our students and teachers in Texas City ISD are working hard to meet and exceed those standards. Texas City ISD educators are committed to the vision that together we succeed. Texas City ISD has a proud past and a promising future. The goals in Texas City ISD are high and are being accomplished thanks to the continued effort by the district, students, parents and the community.
Featured News & Events
Featured News
Congratulations to the Texas City High School Texas Association of Future Educators (TAFE) State Qualifiers 2024!
La Marque High School Student Council represented the school and district with pride at the 2024 District 713 Fall Convention, hosted by TASC.
Celebrating Excellence at Roosevelt-Wilson Elementary School!
Blocker Middle School recently celebrated World Kindness Day.
As we approach the end of the semester, we’re thrilled to share some fantastic attendance achievements across our campuses!